
Food for Sight – Keeping Your Eyes Healthy with Spinach

They say that our eyes are our windows to the world around us. Could you imagine going through each day with impaired or even a total loss of vision? Most people believe that vision is their greatest asset and admit that they would not be able to adapt to life with poor eye sight. Thus it is important that we know how to take care of our eyesight and prevent any impairment to this asset of ours.

Our modern lifestyle puts a lot of strain to our eyes. With all the smoke, pollution, inadequate sleep and allergies, among other causes, may damage our eyes and impair vision to a certain extent. Not to mention the way some of us stare into the computer screens for hours daily.
Fortunately there are food stuffs that have been proven to be good for our eyes and protect our vision. These items not only help prevent diseases such as macular degeneration, a form of incurable disease affecting the eyes, some may even improve our eyes’ health in general.
Spinach! The secret to healthy eyes and good vision.

Spinach is one of the most effective food stuff with eye protecting properties. It contains high levels of Lutein, a carotene which plays an essential role in fighting diseases of the eyes. How does it work? The Lutein in our eyes help absorb blue (ultraviolet, UV) light, the most harmful of the different light types, thus preventing any damage possibly caused by exposure. Carotenes are also found in abundance in carrots. Another compound with similar properties is called Zeaxanthin.

Spinach is also rich in Vitamins A and C, potassium and fibre. Thus it is no wonder that studies show an improvement in not only visual health but also overall health in people whose diet includes regular servings of spinach.

I guess Popeye was right in keeping a can of spinach within reach.

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